
Print these valuable coupons to bring to your appointment!

Special Offers cannot be combined with other discounts.

$199 Comprehensive New Patient Exam

Includes Consultation, All Necessary X-rays, Intraoral Photos, Oral Cancer Screening, Periodontal Evaluation, and Treatment Plan.

*Cannot be combined with other discounts

$99 Limited Emergency Exam

Includes Consultation & Necessary X-rays for the specific problem area. Great value for those having an immediate problem or just wanting to fix that one specific thing.

*Cannot be combined with other discounts

Service Members Active Duty & Retired

Receive 10% off all In- House Dental Services with a Valid ID

*Cannot be combined with other discounts

College Students currently enrolled with Valid ID

Receive 10% off all In- House Dental Services with a valid ID

*Cannot be combined with other discounts